Sunday, April 14, 2019

My speech thanking my officers and staff for achieving my budget

Dear my Generals—2 A’s -amisha and arvind, and all my soldiers at all levels

Thanks to all of you for running the TDS division as a war room.

On this day we have gathered here to celebrate our achievement. No mean achievement this is—we are few lucky ones in India – I repeat in India --to see this day.

We look forward to this day over a long journey—of directions, of hard work, of sleeplessness, of continuos monitorings, of putting in each drop of efforts by each one of us and so each one of us deserves to be praised , congratulated and we have a very happy reason to bask in the glory of success.

The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our sincerity, hard work, our preoccupation with the figures, our bombardments, the emails, our text messages and our never giving up attitude., come what may.

We have on this day not only achieved our target of 23000 crores , but have the singular distinction in India , maybe of surpassing the goal by 623 crore.
So now we stand smiling at 23623 crs. We have done like this URI movie—with josh .

It is said that Money is like a sixth sense – and you can’t make use of the other five without it. By doing so we have done a great service to nation to all her senses. This is our small contribution to our great nation—our sweat and blood.
As I always said in TDS “ every rupee counts” is still couting—every day by the steady increase even now.

Budget is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love budget.

The safest way to double your money in budget is to fold it over and put it in your pocket. But that doesn’t help too. We have to see the dashboard.

That we achieved the budget is a glorifying achievement. It is said that budget is the best deodorant. So now we are now basking in the fragrance of the budget target overshoot .

Anyone who lives within their means as in budget targets, suffers from a lack of imagination. We crossed all our targets by having a vision of success—of surpassing the target.

No matter how hard you hug your budget, it never hugs back. I anticipate a higher budget this time as a reward for our achievement and I am super confident—we shall achieve any budget given to us –delivered elegently by my TEAM TDS.

Thanks for the surgical strike , my friends.div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

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